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Deliberate practice is the primary form of player development. Therefore, it is the central feature of our system and program. Informed and educated coaches and parents understand that the competition-intensive model is the least effective way to train a youth athlete whereas the practice environment is an incredibly powerful structure to train, grow, develop and create an optimal athlete. And the research unequivocally proves this point!  

Practice Methodology and Design

  1. Representative design - we use structures and constraints in practice that look, feel, simulate and represent the game;
  2. Differential learning - we expose athletes to a variety of movement solutions in random manner to facilitate the development of movement patterns adaptable to novel situations. We consider movement variations as the basis of learning rather than movement repetitions. By constantly (and randomly) changing the technique used to execute a skill, the athlete will: a) discover what works best for themselves, and b) learn to perform the skill in a multitude of ways;
  3. Self-organized movement - we control the amount and frequency of explicit feedback to allow the athlete to learn from their effort;
  4. Manipulate constraints - we encourage new functional movement solutions;
  5. Infused movement disruptions - we introduce simulated “noise” as interference to develop game level solutions and capabilities. 

Periodized Player Development Plans

  • Font size refers to importance;
  • Light blue = preadolescent periods of adaptation;
  • Dark blue = adolescent periods of adaptation;
  • FMS = fundamental movement skills;
  • MC = metabolic conditioning;
  • PHV = peak height velocity;
  • SSS = sport-specific skills;
  • YPD = youth physical development;